How two years at Avyse culminated in Daisy jumping out of a plane

What a year! As 2023 draws to a close I have found myself reflecting on the last couple of years and how I’ve grown since joining Avyse Partners. For me, 2023 has been a year of huge personal growth and I’ve experienced some real highlights. Here are just a few:

  • Completed a skydive from 12,000ft for the amazing Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity

  • Ran my first ever 10k race

  • Summited Mount Snowdon

  • Witnessed my parents get married

  • Watched my sister graduate with a 1st Class Honours Degree

  • Got engaged!

The last couple of years have seen significant highlights from a work perspective too. They’ve seen me work with at least 10 clients spanning banking, payments, investment management and broking. Having the opportunity to visit some of these clients at their European offices has enabled me to strengthen some key relationships and it's been great to meet so many clients face to face and really understand what’s on their priority list for the next 12 months.

As a firm we’ve made huge strides this year. We’ve hired some fantastic people, expanded into new practice areas (ESG and Change and Transformation), and moved into our first office space. Being a ‘young’ firm, we’re obviously focussed on growing and maturing every day but we’re also pretty good at reflecting on just how far we’ve come. It’s a wild journey - not without its challenges – but every day is different, and I count myself lucky to genuinely love my job.

It’s a work in progress but adapting my mindset from “I can’t do that” to “I wonder what happens if I try to do that” has pushed me outside my comfort zone daily and I feel more confident and content as a result. Those that know me will agree that I’m someone who is always focussing on what’s next and whilst I’ll certainly be lining up some new challenges for 2024, I’ll continue to make more of an effort to be present and acknowledge the ‘highs’ whilst they’re happening.

Why am I telling you this? Well, partly because I’m proud of what I’ve achieved. But also because we have vacancies open across all of our service lines and we want to meet great people who have what it takes to join our team. See Join our team — Avyse Partners for all the details.

Now, “pictures or it didn’t happen”…


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