Our SAFE values
It was refreshing when starting the company to sit down with a clean sheet of paper and write down what matters most to us. How we want our company to be run. It was not a five-minute job. After much discussion we arrived at four core values that we are very proud of. Everything we do can be tied back to our SAFE values.
Our decision making and advice is always done with the long-term in mind. We want a business built on strong foundations. We associate the following behaviours with this value.
- Long termism
- Collaboration
- Better not best
- Resilience and determination
- Focus on quality
- Embracing change
Be yourself. By being yourself, we build and maintain a trusted, reliable firm where people enjoy working and respect each other. We associate the following behaviours with this value.
- Respect
- Ethics & Integrity
- Courage of convictions
- Honesty & Transparency
- Encouragement of diversity
- Enjoyment
Family first
Our families come first. There is the Avyse family too, we look after each other. We associate the following behaviours with this value.
- Trust
- Understanding
- Flexibility
- Inclusivity
- Develop self and others
- Appreciation and gratitude
We own our company, and are always alive to opportunities that will benefit the firm. We associate the following behaviours with this value.
- Commercial thinking
- Innovation and creativity
- Agility
- Curiosity
- Problem solving
- Eminence