Avyse Partners appoint Emma Croft as Senior Consultant

We’re delighted to announce that Emma Croft has joined Avyse Partners. Emma’s appointment continues our growth trajectory, and further bolsters our expertise.

Emma said: “I am thrilled to be joining the team at Avyse today and to help grow this exciting regulatory consultancy business. It’s lovely to be working with a passionate and knowledgeable team of people who believe in delivering the best for their clients. As a business I was also really impressed with the culture within the firm; authenticity is one of their key values and this is something which really chimes with me personally and professionally.

A key part of what makes this job so enjoyable is the people and I am so looking forward to working again with former colleagues, especially with Kate and Shaneca who I have worked very closely with over a number of years. The people side of this also extends to clients. I have worked in regulatory compliance my whole career and strongly believe that developing strong relationships of trust is essential for both the client and consultancy practice to thrive. Over the years I have worked with some fantastic clients and people and for me this is a key part of what makes the job so enjoyable. I can’t wait to develop relationships - new and old - in what is likely to be a challenging year in compliance.

My key focus at Avyse will be in the conduct and governance space, particularly in the lending world but also covering new emerging sectors such as funeral providers, anything really with a more retail focus. I’ve worked in regulatory consultancy for the last 14 years and before that spent time at the FCA and in industry, so I have built up a huge amount of experience with helping firms through all aspects of the compliance life cycle, from FCA authorisation right through to helping those firms who have ended up with regulatory intervention. Financial services firms have had a lot to cope with over the last couple of years, and this is unlikely to change going forwards with the introduction of the new Consumer Duty, so this is certainly going to keep us and our clients busy for the foreseeable future.

I’m really excited to be joining Avyse towards the start of its journey, and for the opportunity to help build a fun and successful compliance people business. I can’t wait to get started!”


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