Our commitments this World Mental Health Day


This Sunday (10 October) is World Mental Health Day.

Core to our philosophy is the promotion of our team’s wellbeing through the striking of balance between achievement, development, stretch and down time. Good mental health enables our team to focus on what’s important to them as individuals and:

  • make the most of their potential

  • cope with life

  • play a full part in family, workplace, community and social circles

  • be their authentic self

One of the exciting things about starting a new company is that you get to start with a clean sheet of paper. You do not walk into or inherit someone else’s culture – you define it. All of us at Avyse put the highest premium on the mental health of our employees. All of us believe that family comes first, and everything else (including work) is secondary. But everyone says that right? So rather than talk more about it, below are five initiatives we are committed to. We will report back next year as to how we’ve done against them:

  1. We encourage all staff to take the Mind Matters quiz when they join AND we will support any resultant actions our employees take.

  2. Introduce a policy of no cap on annual leave entitlement

  3. Ensure that mental health questions (including how comfortable staff are to talk about mental health) are at the forefront of our staff survey.

  4. Formally document in the staff handbook that important family occasions such as a child’s sports day can and will be managed around work commitments.

  5. Commitment to formal and informal professional and personal development. All consulting staff also take a key role in how we run our business – allowing them to shape the way we work and learn new and transferable skills.

Our Partners will lead by example on this, acting with authenticity and demonstrating the family first mentality.


David Brain appointed by Avyse Partners


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