Avyse: What, who, why and how?

What is Avyse Partners?

We’re a regulatory consulting company.

We help firms deal with complex regulatory obligations. This means helping them to be:

  • effective - having systems and controls that achieve their purpose

  • efficient - making sure all systems and controls have a purpose, are proportionate to the risk and are as simple as possible

Purpose is at the core of everything we do. This helps us to cut through complexity in order to keep you on the right track.

Our whole organisation is, and always will be, aligned entirely towards our clients. Every decision, even internal ones, will be challenged on the basis of whether they add value to you.

Who founded Avyse Partners?

The founding Partners are Ollie and Richard. Both have had similar career paths with in house roles and at Big 4 consultancies, they met as colleagues in a boutique consultancy. And whilst both of them loved their previous roles, they wanted to do things differently.

Having initially set off to explore their own paths as to what “different” looked like, an unplanned conversation at the beginning of April 2021 sparked a chain reaction. And so Avyse Partners was born.

Why the name Avyse?

Being completely honest, it was more a process of elimination.

  • We didn’t want an acronym or initialism

  • The whole thing is greater than the sum of the parts… so we didn’t want something based on our names or initials

  • Being at the top of the alphabet was considered to be more useful than being at the end

  • We wanted a unique word, not something which has other meanings

  • It links to the core of our business…. which is to advise

How do you say it?

The easiest way to describe it is It’s like “advise” but without the “d”.

  • “A” as in the word act

  • “vyse” as in the word visor

Richard and Ollie


Purposeful AML controls